Naga Psychedelic

I'm meren...a father, a grungeman, a student, a son, a brother, a Christian, a restless soul, an underachiever, an unfinished symphony, a cork on the ocean. Life's good. Even though sometimes it sucks....

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Poor Participation of Naga women in Politics

Patriarchal order of society
Women are considered as human being for bearing children, the father is considered the head of the family and the bread earner which is an obstacle to woman’s advancement. There are very less families where the mother is the sole bread earner of the family.

Obstruction from male legislators
Lack of motivation on the part of male legislators to submit or consider proposal that benefits woman. Less priority given to political commitment to development and allocation of resources from the budget.

Unemployment rate of woman compared to man
Many women in the society are housewives, compared to husband who are generally working or doing some sort of business. One factor that can change is an increased presence in the work place. WithThe increased need for labour had sent many women to work and that had contributed to their status and power in society

Lack of woman in high official and taking higher education
The ratio of woman to man in high official is comparatively very low. Woman taking up higher or professional education is very less compared to man. Less access and motivation to agricultural credit, technical training and housing plans. That why education for women has to increase at the higher levels, with female university graduates entering the professional labour force. However, obstacles also remain to women acceding to decision- making positions despite their better educational scores than men. . One factor that can change is an increased presence of woman in the work place. With this increased number of women in workplace can contributed to their status and power in society.

Domestic violence
Many cases of domestic violence goes unreported, domestic violence is usually not characterized as a crime and so it is difficult to punish the perpetrators. Furthermore, the privacy of the victim is often violated by personnel, particularly police officers, who were not trained to deal with such matters. The experiences of women victims of domestic violence had been very traumatic, particularly in light of reports that authorities acted with "sexist prejudice" and blamed the women for provoking the violence.

Lack of measures taken
Few measures are taken to address that problem including the recognition and reassessment of women's role in society. There is very few specific days established to celebrate the role of women.

Image of woman in media
On the subject of images of women in the media, women is often promoted the stereotypes of a subordinate role for women in society. The media continued to see women as sexual objects to serve a male population and those mechanisms strengthened the man's position of supremacy and perpetuated abuse. Traditional education also promoted the image of the passive woman.

Religious issues
On the role of religion, there is a relation between the State and the church which is deep and there was no separation between the two. There is no framework to induct woman into higher position in church which limits society's ability to change the social patterns that discriminates against women.

Monday, December 18, 2006

In 2006 I…
[things not to come again] greatest personal loss
[x stayed in love] fallen in love
[x lol probably] lied
[ ]made a new pair of spectacles but lost again
[I hope not] disappointed someone close
[ ] hid some secret
[ ] pretended to be happy
[ ] never slept on my bed when i was at home
[ ] kept some new years resolution
[ ] met someone who changed my life
[ ] changed my outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[ ] never felt like dying
[ ] given up something important to you
[ ] lost my cell again
[ ] learned something new about yourself
[x lol] tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it
[ ] made a change in your life
[ ] found out who your true friends were
[ ] met great people[ ] snuck out of the house
[x] stayed up til sunrise
[ ] met someone from myspace in person
[ ] partied more than 5 times
[ ] was never home on weekends while i was in Chennai
[ ] found a person I never thought I’d become real good friends with
[ ] had friends who were drifting away from me
[ ] had someone close to me die
[ ] had a high cell phone bill
[ ] wasted most of my money on travelling
[ ] had a beer mug fight
[ ] went to the beach
[x] gotten sick
[ ] liked more than 5 people at the same time
[x] had a wasted night
[ ] became closer to a lot of people
[ ] got a decent job and wasted it
[ ] travelled a lot
[ ] watch a lot of crappy movies
[ ] ..............................