Naga Psychedelic

I'm meren...a father, a grungeman, a student, a son, a brother, a Christian, a restless soul, an underachiever, an unfinished symphony, a cork on the ocean. Life's good. Even though sometimes it sucks....

Friday, January 20, 2006


"The warriors are honing their swords and dusting their armour. Strategists are racking their brains in the barracks. Spies are being released to garner intelligence.... -Backwaters

I am wildly impressed with the backwater team and the effort they put in.Wow. I FUCKING love you all ...and while I was thinking about the diverse possibilities for truth and deeper meaning why i should blog about BACKWATERS--I'm not gonna. Come on...we all know I'm too lazy for that. But atleast they deserve this--I did it..

Aleast some new chicks is around, giving some relief to the poor hen at IIMK. 21 of them, thats as many goddess that is being worshipped here. Indian Oceans is gonna rock IIMK on 21st January, though i would have prefer "Moksha" or "Parikrama"...hehehehe..Sometimes IIMK Rocks


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