Naga Psychedelic

I'm meren...a father, a grungeman, a student, a son, a brother, a Christian, a restless soul, an underachiever, an unfinished symphony, a cork on the ocean. Life's good. Even though sometimes it sucks....

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

End-term commenced on 28th November but i'm in no mood to study. So i thought atleast i'l do something useful...n here i'm blogging about my mundane life and waste others time by forcing them to read my blog.
Sometimes i feel like sharing everything, because the people who read this are all involved in my life and know what goes on or atleast have faint idea what an a****** i am. Winter is around but i can hardly feel it... i realise that after my sojourn in Tirunelveli and Calicut for the past 7 years. I got my driver's license recently though i dont even know how to write any motor vehicle,oh...i kno how to ride a bicycle. My passport will be ready by March 2006, atleast now the Bangladesh officials cant deport me for being an alien there.
"Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
If this statement is really believed, then the poor may indeed be blessed with the ability to ignore their travails in this world but they will be less motivated to get themselves out of their misery.By the same token, if the poor are held to be quilty of their misery,then they are less l ikely to receive any relief and will have less reason to consider themselves blessed.
The lighter side if life "Negative Branding"


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