Unrestricted Globalization at IIMK- bane or boon?
Girls in the emerging IIMK environment was traditionally a highly protected industry, living off gud spreads achieved on the pervasive restrictions on domestic and foreign entry. The domestic entry was due to the lack of adequate girls in the campus......reasons best unknown. The foreign entry was becoz IIMK didn't have an exchange programme till 2005. However, global market and technological developments, exchange programme and MICROECONOMIC pressures in 2005 have forced the IIMK environment to change the gud old way of doing business.
Impact of globalization
1. Consolidation of environment:
This industry was dominated by a small number of gals which lead to systematic instabilty in the campus. The arrival of Xchange students is likely to lead to systematic stability n a sense of stability in the campus.
2. Extra-curricular activities:
The demand for popularity of english songs has lead to revivality of rock/metal/pop music with even bands like Outlandish and Soulfly hitting the loudest decibel level in every hostel. More people becoming interested in playing guitar swearing by Pink Floyd being their GOD. People becoming more conscious about the fourth highest paid defender in football, raising their current affairs level. Juntas in western Europe loves football(all IIMKites knows that). Increase in demand for "learning foreign language".
3.Heavenly outcome:
The unlikely unequal distribution of benefits and the imbalances in global rule-making which characterise globalization today will inevitably produce a backlash and growing protectionism.